Sunday, July 3, 2011

A bad start with a fun finish

So today started off annoying but turned into a fun adventure. After the early morning reading of general orders, I grouped up with 6 friends and in the pouring rain we set out for a day of golf. We lucked out for the most part and only got rained on a little bit while hitting our 18 holes. I came in 2nd place which was awesome for me.
On the last hole the wind began to pick up quite a bit and we realized really quick that a large storm system was sitting right over top of us. There was lighting crashing all around us and here we are standing in the middle of a golf course surrounded by trees holding metal rods aka the golf clubs. Not the best place to be. We finished out and on the cart ride back to the clubhouse came a huge bolt of lightning to our left followed by the loudest thunder boom I have ever heard. It scared me so much that my neck muscles tensed up completely and held there for a minute. It was pretty painful. It was like my sternocleidomastoids and trapezius Dorsi's locked knotted up instantly. Kinda scary. Upon getting back to the clubhouse we had to walk across a large baseball field to the bus stop in the super duper pouring rain. we were soaked and dripping by the time we made it to the bus stop. It was fun though.
Later in the evening, we played a 9 person game of Texas Hold'em (my favorite poker game) The game lasted 4 hours and I came in 2nd place. 2nd place won their money back so that means I played poker for free. That's considered a win in my book :)
I tend to make it real deep in a poker game which is great. It's tough to lose when u get down to 2 people. I think I'm a pretty good poker player when against the general population but I could get a lot better. I need to pay attention to my opponent more than I try to but after 4 hours of play and seeing a few hundred poker hands, I tend to get burnt out.
Any who it's late. Im tired and fortunately if all goes as planned will be able to sleep in a bit and then get some computer work done.
My first day of my BS program starts well today at 6 AM so I'm going to dive head first into it. I 'm super excited to get cracking with this.
Have a goodnight!

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