Saturday, July 2, 2011


I just want to toss this out now before you get sucked in too far. My mind is pretty random and I will be all over the place with this blog. I let my ideas run a lot in my head and I am not short of imagination at all. Especially when I start writing things down, it seems to slow down my thought process thus developing my ideas even more intricately. My imagination paints the ideas just as fast but has more time to refine them.

So, if you think I'm quite kooky after a little while, just remember I gave you a warning. Now without further ado, welcome to the World Of Wade. Yes that was a funny I was trying to make by correlating the name of the blog with the hugely famous game World of Warcraft AKA W.O.W. for you tech savvy and video game passioned readers out there.

*idea: I would like to put my face on a World of Warcraft character for this blog. If you have the ability please do help me out with that. Toodles!

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