Monday, July 4, 2011

A good use of school assignments

Hey there! School started today and I had to introduce myself to my online class through a discussion board. I figured I can just put it up on here too so everyone reading can learn a little more about me and my goals in life and what not. I left the first paragraph out of here just because of reasons of personal information and stuff. Enjoy!...

When I am not playing coast guardian, I am living in Clearwater, Florida and working as a bank teller for Wachovia which is now Wells Fargo Bank. I really don’t care for the job and its’ monotony and sales induced quota responsibilities but, I cannot complain about the hours and weekends off. When I’m not working, you can either find me nestled into my makeshift birds nest at a Borders or Barnes and Noble with a couple off the shelf books, my apple laptop (aka my life-force, LOL), headphones and pad of paper with what looks like randomness scribbled all over it. I’m a closet nerd that loves to burrow a little nook right in the middle of a crowd. It’s my way of learning and ultimately my way of living. I don’t want to be the center of attention, I want to be right in the center of everything else happening around me without being really engaged. It’s like taking people watching and making it a sport. I love just seeing everything going on and analyzing it all without physically being an active member in it. I’m a Life Voyeur.

So that’s 1 side of me... The other side is the beach bum, explorer of opportunities to stimulate the release of Adrenaline, and movie / music aficionado. I love being lazy as much as I love being active too. They go in cycles for me. I am a certified SCUBA diver, I love skydiving, mountain biking, running, and dancing. You can find me getting crazy and singing to old rock favorites at a dive bar or totally embracing my inner tribal dance emotions at a big techno club. I am a huge fan of all music and my favorite styles are trance, techno, and electronic. I love that music can exclude words and still fill me with emotion. You can also catch me singing in my Jeep Wrangler with the top and doors off to Top 40’s music. I seem to always get into whatever is in the Top 40’s.

I am currently taking this class because it is a requirement for this university but, I believe it will help me learn how to learn a little better. I am used to a live classroom setting and haven’t messed with the e-campus realm very much. I am excited to see what I get out of this class and I plan to dive in head first and get what I can out of it. When I am learning on my own, I tend to become a hermit and immerse into my own world so I assume that if I can find an interest in what I am forced to study then I will not have a problem. Although, I am going to try to create connections and bonds with my online teachers and classmates on here. So, if you feel the same then please hit me up on here.

My goal at AMU is to obtain a bachelors in Information Technology with an emphasis on .NET Framework. With this degree and a little help from networking with peers, I plan to get a foot into a company that requires my technical skills to do exciting jobs. I want to make a good living using computers because that’s my real passion. It took a long time to realize what was directly in front of me when I was figuring out what I wanted to do with my life.

I have a beautiful dream of how I want my life to be. I want to use the skills I learn in college to get me to a company that forces me to use those skills to build computer programs and applications that break through the ever-expanding borders of today. I want to make a difference in how we as people, use computers in our daily life. I want to take what I learn through experience and express my creative ideas on my own. I have a very entrepreneurial mindset and a creative brain full of imagination that is always conjuring up new ideas and ways to make something else better. Right now, I don’t have the technical skills to turn an idea into a product so that’s where school and experience will come in. My idols share the love for information as I do.

Facebook was an idea that was invented on a very small scale by people who lacked skills. With Mark Zuckerberg’s mind, the unformed idea was transformed from that to a world wide idea. His skill set then collaborated with the idea and he was able to convert the idea to the product the world didn’t know that they were actually in need of. There’s a misconception in the world that it only takes an idea to change the world. I believe it takes more than an idea to change the world. I have ideas all the time and have yet to make an impact. You need motivation and skills to connect with ideas to make a difference. Hitler had an idea, but it was his motivation, public speaking skills, understanding of the current economics and their effect on human emotion, and military background that created the Holocaust. This education will lead me to the skills I can pair up with my motivation and ideas to make an impact on the world. Unlike Hitler, however, I will look for ways to make the world a better place. In Hitlers defense though, so was he. Look out world, Petty Officer Wade Sellers will be blowing your mind in the future.

In 5 to 10 years, I see myself growing and expanding my own ideas into products to make people in the world happier. I want to live in a large city in a nice condo in a skyscraper high above the city with a large patio. I want to enjoy a glass of wine while looking down to the city and watching it breath. Again, my zen is to be in the middle of the chaos without real connection. An onlooker to the marvel of separate yet connected lives creating the livable world we have today. When I experience that emotion on my own, I know that I have succeeded in my life and did it my way.

I am going to stop here with a quote I came up with a couple months ago that I like to think about and motivate me to continue progressing in life. “You're as big as your idea, and as small as your ambition. Everyone in the world has an idea, it’s the 1% out of everyone that turned it into a reality that we all live within. What have you done today?”


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