Saturday, July 2, 2011

late night pep up

Sometimes it takes the sadness of a friend to show you something about yourself that you may have missed or forgot about when you were the sad 1 in life. Life can be a bitch. Events can really drag you down. You can feel stuck or show you that it's time for you to work harder when you don't feel like it at the moment. It's those moments that will define u! Rocky says it best when he says, "It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can be hit and still move forward." You can click that to hear it at its best.
All great people in life. All people that you know life stories or read about great achievements, all those people could take the punches. It's what has defined them. Their achievements are there spotlighted moments in life but no one reaches that aspect in life without getting the shit beat out of them on the way. Nothing can navigate you around the punches. I don't care who you are. No matter where u want to be in life, you have to trudge through a lot of shit if you want to be different, defined, embraced in your mental greatness.
You want to accomplish your dreams, you can only research how to attain them so much, u can't follow someone else's path. You will feel emptiness. The path to success is not written anywhere, you have to write it for yourself and then protect it. No one can take your path because no one is exactly u in the exact time and life and environment as you.

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